Biological extracts
Oil extracts
Departing from fresh plants, cultivated by Aghipharma’s partners, we obtain this extracts thanks to a maceration in biological sunflower oil. The final relation between Drug/Extract id 1:3 and it permits the complete release of liposoluble active ingredients. The protection from oxidation is guaranteed by natural tocopherols.CODICE | DESCRIZIONE | NOME SCIENTIFICO | D/E |
b-ELCALE | CALENDULA BIO Estratto Lipolico | Calendula officinalis L. | 1:3 |
b-ELCAMO | CAMOMILLA BIOEstratto Lipolico | Matricaria chamomilla L. | 1:3 |
b-ELCARO | CAROTA BIO Estratto Lipolico | Dacus carota L. | 1:3 |
b-ELIPER | IPERICO BIO Estratto Lipolico | Hypericum perforatum L. | 1:3 |
b-ELLAVA | LAVANDA BIO Estratto Lipolico | Lavandula angustifolia Mill. | 1:3 |
b-ELMELI | MELISSA BIO Estratto Lipolico | Melissa officinalis L. | 1:3 |
b-ELNOCE | NOCE MALLO BIO Estratto Lipolico | Juglans regia L. | 1:3 |
b-ELPEPE | PEPERONCINO BIO Estratto Lipolico | Capsicum annum L. | 1:3 |
b-ELSALV | SALVIA BIO Estratto Lipolico | Salvia officinalis L. | 1:3 |
b-ELTIMO | TIMO Estratto BIO Lipolico | Thymus vulgaris L. | 1:3 |