Oil extracts

Biological extracts

Oil extracts

Departing from fresh plants, cultivated by Aghipharma’s partners, we obtain this extracts thanks to a maceration in biological sunflower oil. The final relation between Drug/Extract id 1:3 and it permits the complete release of liposoluble active ingredients. The protection from oxidation is guaranteed by natural tocopherols.
b-ELCALECALENDULA BIO Estratto LipolicoCalendula officinalis L.1:3
b-ELCAMOCAMOMILLA BIOEstratto LipolicoMatricaria chamomilla L.1:3
b-ELCAROCAROTA BIO Estratto LipolicoDacus carota L.1:3
b-ELIPERIPERICO BIO Estratto LipolicoHypericum perforatum L.1:3
b-ELLAVALAVANDA BIO Estratto LipolicoLavandula angustifolia Mill.1:3
b-ELMELIMELISSA BIO Estratto LipolicoMelissa officinalis L.1:3
b-ELNOCENOCE MALLO BIO Estratto LipolicoJuglans regia L.1:3
b-ELPEPEPEPERONCINO BIO Estratto LipolicoCapsicum annum L.1:3
b-ELSALVSALVIA BIO Estratto LipolicoSalvia officinalis L.1:3
b-ELTIMOTIMO Estratto BIO LipolicoThymus  vulgaris L.1:3
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