Biological distilled water

Biological distilled water

Distilled waters are produced thanks to extraction in current water vapour of fresh plants, cultivated by partners with organic farming techniques. This kind of extraction is suitable for plants with volatile active ingredients and for additions in very delicate formulations. The relation between Drug and Extract is 1:10.
b-ADBIANBIANCOSPINO BIO Acqua DistillataCrataegus oxyacantha L.1:10
b-ADCALECALENDULA BIO Acqua DistillataCalendula officinalis L.1:10
b-ADCAMOCAMOMILLA BIO Acqua DistillataMatricaria chamomilla L.1:10
b-ADFIORDFIORDALISO BIO Acqua DistillataCentaurea cyanus L.1:10
b-ADLAVANLAVANDA BIO Acqua DistillataLavandula angustifolia Mill.1:10
b-ADMALVAMALVA Acqua BIO DistillataMalva sylvestris L.1:10
b-ADMELIMELISSA BIO Acqua DistillataMelissa officinalis L.1:10
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