Glycerinated extracts

Biological extracts

Glycerinated extracts

Agripharma’s Biological glycerinated extracts are produced with fresh plants. These plants are cultivated by Agipharma’s partners with organic farming techniques. The extraction is done thanks into a idroglyceric solution composed by the 50% of water and the 50% of vegetable glycerine. The final relation between Drug/Extract is 1:2.
b-GEBARDBARDANA BIO Estratto GlicerinatoArctium lappa L.1:2
b-GECALECALENDULA BIO Estratto GlicerinatoCalendula officinalis L.1:2
b-GECAMOCAMOMILLA BIO Estratto GlicerinatoMatricaria chamomilla L.1:2
b-GEECHIECHINACEA BIO Estratto GlicerinatoEchinacea angustifolia DC.1:2
b-GELAVALAVANDA BIO Estratto GlicerinatoLavandula angustifolia Mill.1:2
b-GEMALVMALVA BIO Estratto GlicerinatoMalva sylvestris L.1:2
b-GEMELIMELISSA BIO Estratto GlicerinatoMelissa officinalis L.1:2
b-GEMENTMENTA BIO Estratto GlicerinatoMelissa officinalis L.1:2
b-GESALVSALVIA BIO Estratto GlicerinatoSalvia officinalis L.1:2
b-GETIMOTIMO BIO Estratto GlicerinatoThymus  vulgaris L.1:2
b-GECAFFCAFFE’ BIO Estratto GlicerinatoCoffea Arabica L.1:2
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